For ideal weight management, know you body composition- body fat percentage, visceral fat level, subcutaneous fat and skeletal muscle percentage
It has been observed that visceral fat is linked to lifestyle-related diseases and maintenance of low visceral fat is important in health management. HBF-361 indicates the visceral fat level with assessment: <10 (Normal), 10~14.5 (High) or 15 (Very High) Same Age Comparison guide
What is Body Age Body Age Indication is based on one's resting metabolism and is used as a guide to one's metabolic age. To know one's Body Age is useful to improve one's wellbeing.
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Visceral fat, also called intra-abdominal fat, refers to the fat that surrounds the internal organs.
Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, is body fat that is close to the skin's surface and is considered less dangerous, and easier to lose, than visceral fat.
Studies have shown that those with visceral fat are more susceptible to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. Sedentary people, smokers and drinkers have been shown to have more intra-abdominal fat, or visceral fat, than active people who are non-smokers and non-drinkers. Stress may also be a factor in the storage of visceral fat on the body.