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Product Name:PABX / KeyPhone Setup
Product Code:SKPX-EX24V
Price:RM 28.00

Product description:

Please note that pricing listed below DO NOT include installation services (or any value-added services). The final pricing for Professional-Series Lightning Isolators are subject to the discretion of our panel installers/system integrators

Must be used with:

  1. MLPX9708-BXMLPX9708-BBSKPX-9708-ARDMDSC0039 (5A) for PABX/keyphone setups
Suitable for: Wall mounted PABX/Keyphone systems with incoming CO lines and 24VDC extension ports (2 wires each only)

How to install:

SKPX-EX24V-PABX / KeyPhone Setup
Price: RM 28.00
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